Help others get what they want and you shall get all you want.

Be an entrepreneur

Sometimes all that glitters is not gold. You may be looking out for a particular job or business opportunity that seems to be ‘better’ while overlooking those that are in your reach. We fail to appreciate that which we have and use it as an opportunity to elevate ourselves. We are simply greedy. We want the ‘big’ jobs in the ‘big’ companies that seem to be paying well yet most have a high employee turnover rate and lack a conducive environment that promotes growth.

While it is not wise to be fussy, we need to remember to make the very best out of the opportunities that we have.

Society has valued white collar jobs more than blue collar forgetting that it is the blue collar jobs that support the white collar jobs.

There is a perception that once you finish college or university, the ‘good’ jobs are those that are in well-known companies, multinationals or NGOs. We even over look internships all because we want to earn money and climb the ladder of success quickly.

Take it from me; an internship is as good as your first paying job. Many interns have risen quickly within a company but it is up to you to prove yourself and worth to those you are working with or working for. It saddens me that many young people would rather stay jobless than get an internship or carry out some sort of business.

Friends, working for someone is not easy and in the long run you will realize that you are better off working for yourself. You see, it is not the employers work to make you rich. It is up to you to make yourself rich. As an employee you are assisting the employer achieve his/her vision for the business. It will never be about you.

Technical jobs, agribusiness, selling goods and services are examples of jobs that are as good as white collar jobs. I actually consider them to be better. These jobs are so diverse, allowing you to express yourself and create opportunities for others. However, you must be willing to work very hard and sacrifice a lot to make it successful.

Some of you may be jobless or may have given up in the quest for a job. This does not mean that you lack some sort of skills or knowledge. Use the little you have to create an opportunity to better your livelihood. Do not agree to be lured into gangs that steal and kill people to get a little money. You will end up attracting or calling death before it calls you, all in the name of creating a livelihood.

Work for your money and get what’s yours.

Remember the grass is not always green on the other side. The grass may be green where you are but your failure to see it as an opportunity to make it green may be limiting your potential and your success.

No job is too little. Start from somewhere and grow to the top. If you are that good then the type of job will not limit your potential. Success will be so eminent that people will recognize you.

Don’t wait for a job, create the job for yourself. Create an opportunity and help many others too.
